Immunohistochemistry Positive Control Tissue

A skin punch biopsy needle can be used to cut out representative tissue from preferable normal tissue blocks.
Composition, size and number may vary, but 2-6mm cores are normally sufficient.
Optimally, a 6mm core is replaced by several 2-4mm cores to cover weak, intermediate and strong expression of antigen.

Following Multi Tissue Control Blocks are suggestions from Nordic Immunohistochemical Quality Control NordiQC





Alfa-1-antitrypsin    (Cytopl)

Macrophages & villi of columnar epithelial cells



Kupfer cells & hepatocytes (globuli)

Alfa-smooth muscle actin (Cytopl)

Smooth muscle cells in vessels and in muscle layers. Myofibroblasts lining the epithelial surface

Smooth muscle cells in vessels

Smooth muscle cells in vessels

Smooth muscle cells in sinusoids

B-CATENIN Beta-catenin (Membrane)

Membranes of columnar epithelial cells. Endothelial and follicular denritic cells

Membranes of squamous epithelial cells

Membranes of acinar epithelial cells (ducts) and endocrine cells

Hepatocytes - weak membranous

BCL2 Bcl2-oncoprotein (Cytopl)

All peripheral lymphocytes incl T-cells in germinal centres -Germinal centre B-cells are negative.

All peripheral lymphocytes incl T-cells in germinal centres -Germinal centre B-cells are negative.

Weak reaction of epithelial cells.


BCL6 Bcl6-protein (Nuclear)

Germinal centre B-cells

Germinal centre B-cells and basal squamous cells



BOB.1 BOB.1-protein (Nuclear)

Strong reaction in germinal centre B-cells -weak reaction in mantle zone B-cells and plasma cells

Strong reaction in germinal centre B-cells-weak reaction in mantle zone B-cells and plasma cells



CD2 (Membrane)

All T-cells -Isolated T-cell in germinal centres

All T-cells -Isolated T-cells in germinal centres



CD3 (Membrane)

All T-cells -Isolated T-cell in germinal centres

All T-cells -Isolated T-cell in germinal centres



CD4 (Membrane)

60 - 80 % of T-cells

60 - 80 % of T-cells and Germinal centre macrophages


Kupfercells and sinusoid endothelial cells

CD5 (Membrane)

All T-cells -Isolated T-cell in germinal centres

All T-cells -Isolated T-cells in germinal centres



CD7 (Membrane)

Almost all T-cells

Almost all T-cells



CD8 (Membrane & cytopl)

20 - 40 % of the T-cells and NK-cells, Isolated T-cells in germinal centres

20 - 40 % of the T-cells and NK-cells, Isolated T-cells in germinal centres



CD10 (Membrane)

Germinal centre B-cells, neutrophile granulocytes

Germinal centre B-cells, neutrophile granulocytes


Gall canaliculi

CD14 (Membrane)

Follicular dendritic cells and macrophages

Follicular dendritic cells and macrophages


Kupfercells and sinusoid endothelial cells

CD20 (Membrane)

All B-cells incl germinal centre B-cells, plasma cells are neg.

All B-cells incl germinal centre B-cells, plasma cells are neg.



CD21 (Membrane)

Follicular dendritic cells

Follicular dendritic cells and a few mantle zone B-cells



CD23 (Membrane)

Follicular dendritic cells and 10 - 50 % of the mantle zone B-cells

Follicular dendritic cells and 10 - 50 % of the mantle zone B-cells



CD31 (Membrane & cytopl)

Endothelial cells and a few mantle zone B-cells

Endothelial cells and a few mantle zone B-cells

Endothelial cells

Endothelial cells

CD34 (Membrane & cytopl)

Endothelial cells and myofibroblasts

Endothelial cells and myofibroblasts

Endothelial cells and myofibroblasts

Portal endothelial cells

CD38 (Membrane)

Germinal centre B-cells and plasma cells

Germinal centre B-cells and plasma cells

Plasma cells

Plasma cells and weak reaction of sinusoids

CD43 (Membrane)

Almost all T-cells

Almost all T-cells -Isolated T-cells in germinal centres



CD45 Leucocyt common antigen  (Membrane)

All lymphocytes

All lymphocytes

All lymphocytes

Lymphocytes and Kupfer cells

CD56 (Membrane)

Peripheral nerves -ganglion cells and axons. Endocrine cells

NK-cells in the interfollicular areas

Peripheral nerves and the islets of Langerhans

Peripheral nerves

CD57 (Membrane)

Peripheral nerves -ganglion cells and axons. Endocrine cells

NK-cells in the interfollicular areas and T-cells in germinal centres

Peripheral nerves and a few cells in the islets of Langerhans


CD68 (Membrane & cytopl)

Granulocytes and germinal centre macrophages

Granulocytes and germinal centre macrophages


Kupfer cells

CD79 (Membrane & cytopl)

All B-cells incl germinal centre cells and plasma cells

All B-cells incl germinal centre cells and plasma cells

All B-cells

All B-cells

CD117 (Membrane & cytopl)

Mast cells and Cajal cells- smooth muscle cells shall be negative

Mast cells

Mast cells

Mast cells

CD138 (Membrane & cytopl)

Plasma cellsand a weak reaction of the columnar epithelial cells

Plasma cells

Plasma cells

Plasma cells

Cdx2 (Nuclear)

All nuclei of columnar epithelial cells


Weak reaction of epithelial cells in large ducts

Negative - occasionally few gall epithelial cells are pos.

CEA Carcino-embryonic antigen, mono (Cytopl)

All columnar epithelial cells - luminal accentuation and reaction of the cytoplasm

Squamous epithelial cells



CEA PO Carcino-embryonic antigen, poly (Cytopl)

All columnar epithelial cells - luminal accentuation and reaction of the cytoplasm

Squamous epithelial cells, granulocytes and macrophages

Granulocytes and macrophages

Gall canaliculi and kupfer cells

CGA-PO Chromogranin A, poly (Cytopl)

Endocrine cells and peripheral nerves -ganglion cells and axons


Endocrine cells in the islets of Langerhans

Peripheral nerves.

CGA Chromogranin A, mono (Cytopl)

Endocrine cells and peripheral nerves -ganglion cells and axons


Endocrine cells in the islets of Langerhans

Peripheral nerves.

CK5 cytokeratin 5 (Cytopl)

Mesothelial cells

Squamous epithelial cells.



CK5/6 Cytokeratin 5/6 (Cytopl)

Mesothelial cells

Squamous epithelial cells.



CK7 Cytokeratin 7 (Cytopl)

Mesothelial cells -occasionally a few columnar epithelial and endothelial cells.

Squamous epithelial cells

Columnar epithelial cells of large ducts and intercalated ducts

Gall columnar epithelial cells

CK8 Cytokeratin 8 (Cytopl)

Columnar epithelial cells & mesothelial cells

A few squamous epithelial cells and focally fibroblastic reticulum cells

All columnar epithelial cells and islets of Langerhans

Gall columnar epithelial cells & hepatocytes

CK13 Cytokeratin 13 (Cytopl)


Suprabasal squamous epithelial cells.



CK14 Cytokeratin 14 (Cytopl)

Mesothelial cells

Squamous epithelial cells.



CK18 Cytokeratin 18 (Cytopl)

Columnar epithelial cells & mesothelial cells

Few squamous epithelial cells and focally fibroblastic reticulum cells

All columnar epithelial cells and islets of Langerhans

Gall columnar epithelial cells & hepatocytes

CK19 Cytokeratin 19 (Cytopl)

Columnar epithelial cells & mesothelial cells

Few squamous epithelial cells

Columnar epithelial cells of large ducts

Gall columnar epithelial cells

CK20 Cytokeratin 20 (Cytopl)

Columnar epithelial cells and endocrine cells




CK Sentinel node mamma Cytokeratin 7 + 19 (Cytopl)

Columnar epithelial cells & mesothelial cells. Occasionally endothelial cells.

Few squamous epithelial cells

Columnar epithelial cells of large ducts and intercalated ducts

Gall columnar epithelial cells

CK LMW (Cam5.2) Low mol weight cytokeratin (Cytopl)

Columnar epithelial cells & mesothelial cells

A few squamous epithelial cells and focally fibroblastic reticulum cells

All columnar epithelial cells and islets of Langerhans

Gall columnar epithelial cells & hepatocytes

CK HMW (34BE12) High mol weight cytokeratin (Cytopl)

Negative -A few columnar epithelial cells might be pos.Mesothelial cells are pos.

Squamous epithelial cells

Negative - A few columnar epithelial cells (ducts) might be pos

Negative -gall epithelial cells can be pos.

CK Pan (AE1/AE3) Pan cytokeratin (Cytopl)

Columnar epithelial cells & mesothelial cells

Squamous epithelial cells and focally fibroblastic reticulum cells)

All columnar epithelial cells and islets of Langerhans

Gall columnar epithelial cells & hepatocytes

CK Pan (KL1) Pan cytokeratin (Cytopl)

Columnar epithelial cells & mesothelial cells

Squamous epithelial cells and focally fibroblastic reticulum cells)

All columnar epithelial cells and islets of Langerhans

Gall columnar epithelial cells & hepatocytes

CK Pan (MNF116) Pan cytokeratin (Cytopl)

Columnar epithelial cells & mesothelial cells

Squamous epithelial cells and focally fibroblastic reticulum cells)

All columnar epithelial cells and islets of Langerhans

Gall columnar epithelial cells & hepatocytes

COL IV Collagen IV (Extra cel)

Basal membrane under the epithelial surface and muscle cells

Basal membrane under the epithelial surface

Muscle cells

Muscle cells

CR Calretinin (Cytopl & nuclear)

Peripheral nerves -ganglion cells and axons - ,macrophages and mesothelial cells.


Peripheral nerves -ganglion cells and axons -, macrophages


CYD1 Cyclin D1 (Nuclear)

Few basal columnar epithelial cells

Parabasal squamous epithelial cells andfew fibroblastic cells

Few basal columnar epithelial cells