Product Overview
PD158780 | T5410 | TargetMol Chemicals
CAS: 171179-06-9
Smiles: CNc1cc2c(Nc3cccc(Br)c3)ncnc2cn1
Formula: C14H12BrN5
Pathway: Angiogenesis|||JAK/STAT signaling|||Tyrosine Kinase/Adaptors
Target: EGFR
Receptor: N/A
Bioactivity: PD 158780 reversibly inhibits auto and transphosphorylation of all four members of the ErbB receptor superfamily: EGFR, ErbB2, ErbB3, and ErbB4 (IC50s: 8μM, 49 nM, 52 nM, and 52 nM in cell assay).
Molecular Weight: 330, 189