Fludrocortisone acetate | T1666

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€153.00 - €205.00
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Product Overview

Fludrocortisone acetate | T1666 | TargetMol Chemicals

CAS: 514-36-3

Smiles: CC(=O)OCC(=O)[C@@]1(O)CC[C@H]2[C@@H]3CCC4=CC(=O)CC[C@]4(C)[C@@]3(F)[C@@H](O)C[C@]12C

Formula: C23H31FO6

Pathway: Autophagy|||Endocrinology/Hormones

Target: Glucocorticoid Receptor|||Autophagy

Receptor: N/A

Bioactivity: Fludrocortisone, a glucocorticoid-receptor agonist, binds to cytoplasmic receptors, translocates to the nucleus, and subsequently initiates the transcription of glucocorticoid-responsive genes such as lipocortins to inhibit phospholipase A2 (PLA2). Fludrocortisone Acetate is the acetate salt of a synthetic fluorinated corticosteroid with anti-inflammatory and antiallergic activities. Inhibition of PLA2 activity prevents the release of arachidonic acid, a precursor of eicosanoids such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes; eicosanoids are important mediators in the pro-inflammatory response mechanism. As a mineralocorticoid-receptor agonist, this agent stimulates Na+ reabsorption and water retention and K+ and H+ secretion in the distal tubules and collecting ducts of the kidney.

Molecular Weight: 422, 493


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