Berberine | T4S0797

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Product Overview

Berberine | T4S0797 | TargetMol Chemicals

CAS: 2086-83-1

Smiles: COC1=C(C2=C[N+]3=C(C=C2C=C1)C4=CC5=C(C=C4CC3)OCO5)OC

Formula: C20H18NO4+

Pathway: Autophagy|||DNA Damage/DNA Repair|||Immunology/Inflammation|||Metabolism|||Microbiology/Virology|||NF-Κb

Target: Reactive Oxygen Species|||Topoisomerase|||Endogenous Metabolite|||Antibacterial|||Antibiotic|||Autophagy

Receptor: N/A

Bioactivity: 1. Berberine is a potent oral hypoglycemic agent with beneficial effects on lipid metabolism. 2. Berberine may as a broad-spectrum anti-microbial medicine, a complementary therapeutic agent for HIV/AIDS. 3. Berberine seems to act as an herbal antidepressant and a neuroprotector against neurodegenerative disorders. 4. Berberine is used in histology for staining heparin in mast cells. As a natural dye, berberine has a colour index of 7516. 5. Berberine reduces hepatic fat content in rats with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; also prevents proliferation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), which are central for the development of fibrosis during liver injury. 6. Berberine can ameliorate proinflammatory cytokines-induced intestinal epithelial tight junction damage in vitro, and berberine may be one of the targeted therapeutic agents that can restore barrier function in intestinal disease states. 7. Berberine has antineoplastic effects, including breast cancer, leukemia, melanoma, epidermoid carcinoma, hepatoma, pancreatic cancer, oral carcinoma, tongue carcinoma, glioblastoma, prostate carcinoma and gastric carcinoma, etc.

Molecular Weight: 336, 36


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